For Android devices, the AVG Cleaner pro 4.12.0 APK is extremely useful to optimize its performance. When you clean the junk in your Android device, it would operate faster and flawlessly. Moreover, it would be able to store more data and can stay charged for longer. In such cases, the AVG Cleaner is very useful because it is a smart device manager & optimization tool.
The avg cleaner pro APK is by now installed by nearly 50 million people. In order to get the most of this APK, you need to know about the avg cleaner pro APK full version download or avg cleaner pro APK full free download. Take a look below about the features and downloading process of this APK:
Download AVG Cleaner pro 4.12.0 APK full version cracked
With the assistance of the avg cleaner pro APK cracked, it is certain that your Android device would operate faster and smoothly. Once you go for the avg cleaner pro APK full version download, there will be an increase in the memory space due to the removal of junk. The avg cleaner premium APK is a smart device manager & optimization tool for the benefits of users using Android devices.
Based on your need, you may go for the avg cleaner pro paid APK or avg cleaner pro APK full free download.
AVG Cleaner Pro 4.12.0 APK details
App Download Version | 4.12.0
Last Updated On | February 21, 2019
File Size | 20M |
App Category | Free Entertainment App |
App By | AVG Mobile
Supported Android Version | Android 4.1 and higher
App Package | com.avg.cleaner
Installs | 50,000,000+
AVG Cleaner Top features
The avg android APK comes with lots of useful features to let you optimize the Android devices. Take a look at its features:
Remove preinstalled apps
This AVG APK is dedicated to removing the pre-installed apps in order to save space and enhance the performance of Android devices.
Avail more space
The APK works to discard old files, delete unwanted photos and videos, and uninstall apps.
Boost in performance
This cleaner app clear cache, discard junk and also recognize the apps that may slow down the operation of your device.
Longer battery life
The avg cleaner pro APK latest version works to save the battery life in order to improve the performance of your Android devices. It can suspend background apps to enhance battery life and also save mobile data.
File manager
With the assistance of the Smart File Manager & Storage Cleaner, this APK could analyze files, images, and applications. This will assist to boost the performance of your Android device.
Junk Cleaner
It works as a junk cleaner by cleaning out the unwanted junk from your device, for instance, cache and app data.
Tap Analysis and Optimization
Through a single tap of a button, you can easily clean your Android device. Moreover, this app could carry out device scan and analysis just by a single tap. You can clean your phone in order to free up the available storage space, let it run smoothly and enhance its performance. It is quite easy to remove junk and bag quality images. This will free up the storage space for photos, apps, and other contents.
Advanced app remover & app manager
The avg cleaner pro mod APK can discard the preinstalled apps, so you may get rid of the pre-installed bloatware apps which may slow down the operation of your Android device.
App analyzer
This APK can easily recognize the applications that consume our battery, consume mobile data, or occupy extra space on your device.
RAM cleaner
Cleans out the RAM and enhance the performance of your phone through few taps.
Cache cleaner
It can easily clear out app cache, leftover data, and temporary files. Moreover, it can effortlessly analyze apps depending on the RAM, storage, battery and data usage.
Advanced features
It comes with the recent versions to support all Android devices. Moreover, it comes with the Streamlined Granting permission Flows and extra options to refresh the storage analysis results.
With the use of avg cleaner android APK, you would be benefitted with the seamless working of your Android devices. Longer battery life, reduced junks, and removal of bad quality photos are the important qualities of this APK.